
So its been a while since we've last chatted. After World's last October we all took a few weeks off to get some descent R&R in....well needed of course.
I injured my ankle just before Christmas and that was some additional time off, but made sure I was still training in the mean time...there is always something you can do!!
The first of the New Year came and a couple of us headed down to Atlanta for a NAC....just to get the season going. Its a great warm up event as there are always hundreds of, that US is big! It was obvious that I wasn't quite ready but nevertheless that is why we go, to get our heads around starting strong again.
Our first Grande Prix of the season was a few weeks ago in Athens...the same as last year.
Its pretty much a done deal right now that the US is heading to Beijing (instead of us).....but all these Team competitions are still really important so that we maintain our current standings in the world ranking for next year. Still, its amazing to see the fight of many countries gunning for the last couple of spots available in their Zones. This is the time where a lot of behind the scenes work is done between coaches, fencers and referees....not that anyone can do anything about it but its there, political, corrupt and who's got the most cash...!lol
The couple of days we had off, was spent just lazying around. We stayed in the same hotel overlooking the Acropolis and fortunately the weather was perfect for some runs outside in the morning. The cafes were booming and the tourist's were starting to fill the streets.
This was the first International Senior competition for our newest junior member of the traveling squad, Vincent. He's had some great results so far on the Junior circuit but this is a whole new ball game! Its always great to have a junior with us on fill the water bottles, carry the bags, make runs to the corner store for magazines...that's his job until he learns the ropes!!! You can see here we are trying to get some shopping in....oh ya, if anyone care Asics runners are taking over as the coolest shoes more Puma's....hint, hint (Sisco)!!!
Check out this shoe store....nothing but Asics...and Vincent was all over that...he bought three pairs...what an idiot!!
Competition wise I fenced great in usual. First round though we lost against the Ukraine's and then the Koreans. But then finished strong with two wins against the Japanese and Poland.
Sunday night, I went to a late dinner with Ignacio, Jaime, Jorge and Fernando from Spain. Its always great to see them. Then we heading out to a hot disco tech in the heart of downtown. Awaiting us there was bottle service and a VIP section that some of the Greek fencers arranged. Didn't quite figure out the strategy of the club having both male and female Go-Go dancers but it was entertaining nevertheless.
The most dramatic part of the trip was that there we riots in Athens the entire time. Something to do with city workers.....which lead me to miss my flight early Monday morning. I ended up having to stay alone for an extra day, couped up in a hotel room with no English channels on the TV. Now that was pretty boring. Managed to change my flight to the next morning and got home safe and sound.
So next on the list is Algeria in three weeks. That is going to be INTENSE. Its the last of the qualifying tournaments and everyone is going to win, at whatever the cost.
Maybe we can pull off an upset win over one of the heavy hitters and create some more drama...that would be fun, eh!
Will let know you how it goes. Plus, getting some photo's of Algeria will be another story in itself.
Talk later.
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