Mark Peros: Diary of a Fencer

Monday, December 11, 2006

Grande Prix - #1 Kish Island, Iran.

WOW, made it back alive!! What a trip...funny how sometimes when you have certain expectations about (in this case) going somewhere, and they turn out to be the opposite of what you imagined....yup, you guessed it, this was one of those times! After 8 hours to Frankfurt with a 6 hour layover and then another 6 hours to Dubai we spent that first night in Dubai at a hotel near the airport. There is no doubt that this is one of the richest city's I've ever been to. The airport was a city in its was just sooooo big it can't be explained. The hub of the middle-east, there are 24hr a day flights to every destination in the world while the biggest luxury chain stores line its 5 terminals. It's a little surprising when you first come out of the gate having to go through a controlled line of Sheik's who all look like their beards are painted on, they're so perfectly groomed. After collecting the baggage our driver was patiently waiting for us among the sea of on-lookers, family and friends...he, like all those we had spoken to thus far, was pleased to see we had made the trip. Canada had been well received!

The next morning we were up fairly early, having to make it back to the airport for our short plane ride over to Kish Island. This was in a seperate off-grounds airport that was run by Kish Airlines. Tickets to Kish were not available to purchase in advance, we could only get them at the airport that day, which wasn't the problem....rather waiting 7 hours for the tickets to be hand written out by two Iranians behind a glass case for over 100 fencers!!! Then finding out they could only be paid for in CASH, Iranian Rials to be there was a mad scatter of coaches and athletes who all gathered what they had to pay for these so called tickets. Finally making it out to the landing area I was stopped twice trying to take a picture of the plane we were taking. I had to act fast and discreetly...and managed to click it at the very moment the security man wasn't looking!!!

After the 25min flight over the Gulf, and getting off a plane that started to taxi the runway with its passangers still finding their seats (and the door open?) we landed on Kish Island. A holiday get-a-way for the oil-rich of the middle-east, the weather was pleasantly sunny and warm. We were met by a hand full of buses that were to take us to the hotels, but they had miss-calculated how many fencers there were and that each fencer had his own instead of fitting 12 fencers per bus they fit only 6. Check those pics!

Getting to the hotel ended up being the next disaster to face. The so called reservations that had been made were not listed, or at least not organized properly. So we were told to wait until things could be sorted out. Well after about an hour we, along with the Chinese, Italian and Ukranian teams decided to walk down the street, throught the rubble of rocks and unfinished buildings (as seen on CNN) and look for another hotel. The ANA Hotel was a five star spot and looked great from the outside....perfect we thought, what could possibly go wrong? I think we spoke too soon. Greeting us on the way in, planted right in the middle of the lobby was a Christmas Tree and 'dark' skinned Santa Clause...? (that baffled me the entire time, I just couldn't figure it out).
So here's the low-down on the hotel....passports had to be submitted (for scanning purposes) and not given back until leaving, payment was to be in cash only, (credit card's are not accepted anywhere in Iran), there is no maid-service - so we never had a change of sheets or towels, (even when a light bulb blew in our room they didn't have a spare to replace it), there was no pool, no internet, out of country phone calls took 24hrs to process, the hotel restaurant had two meals on the menu that were identical each day, there was no fruit or juice and the bread was stale. The only good thing was that there was a TV in the room that had one english movie channel, the bad thing though was that the same five movies ran at the the same time every day...!!

Ok, so on to the fencing. Surprisingly enough the Olympic Sport Hall was set up pretty well. I mean it was a Grand Prix event and they had to follow at least some of the rules since the competition was being monitored. I went 3-3 in my pool round, won the first DE round then lost to the World number 4 ranked Alexie Yakimenko from Russia. On the positive side I was hoping to get at least 8 points on him and ended up scoring 9. It was my mistakes that cost me the match, which means he is totally beat-able, so I was happy with the outcome and know what I have to work on. Our first team match was against the Italians, who we beat in Chilli last year, so we were looking for a win. But it was their day...they won by a small margin of 45-41....and then ended up going on to win the team event beating out the likes of France, Germany and Romania. Scoring 40 points is not a hard thing...scoring 45 points is the hardest. You learn as you go and that's what we're doing. The US didn't get past that first round either so nothing has really changed in terms of ranking.
Back to the adventure. On our day off, we took to the beach with our Spanish friends. It wasn't too bad, the water was clear all the way down and seemed pretty fresh. There were some SeaDoo's and boat rentals along the way, so we decided to rent a couple of SeaDoo's and have some fun in the Persian Gulf. 10 euro's each for an hour seemed like a great deal....we paid and were told to wait. A short while later, after some foolish picture taking we were told that our rentals had to be cancelled....and we couldn't get our money back because the boss had left for the day?? What a scam, right from under our noses they smelled tourist! Taking a dip anyway was good enough, I mean how often will you get to swim the Persian Gulf, eh?

Checking out of the hotel was another headache....with only one person working behind the reception, three hotel staff and one chef, who also moonlighted as the waiter....the entire trip was just a big game of "how long can YOU wait?". No one works in Iran, there are no restaurants to eat at, and no stores to go shopping in. You have to call 2 hrs in advance if you want a taxi and have to wake up listening to 30min of prayers that are broadcasted through speakers over the entire city at 6am. Men converse with men and women are hardly seen.
Fun is looked on as a negative thing, at least the fun I'm used to and alcohol is the devil. Can't remember when I went more than five days without a couple 'pops'...?
Our flight back out of Kish was on the sunday night. We spent the six hours in the First Class Lounge in Dubai waiting for the 3am flight to Frankfurt. I never thought I would say this but thank god for the internet....!!! Once again, our Spanish buddies kept the travel fun, as we ended up sneaking their entire seven man team (plus coach) into the Lounge! Then with another 7 hrs layover in Frankfurt I made it back to 'civilization' last night...MINUS my fencing bag. Supposedly it never left Dubai....???? Next trip is a double competition ten days to Athens and Budapest in the first week of Feb.....finally some good 'ol Euro-dishes like souvlaki, baklava and goulash to fill my hungry tummy. Rumours have it that those Hungarian girls are to die for....we'll see!!!


Blogger Justin Medved said...

Well done Peros!

9 points against the World's number 4!! i bet you would not have said that a year ago.

Awesome stuff!

Keep it up.


3:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Thanks for sending it along and congrats Peros...inspiring stuff.

6:47 AM  

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