Tunis and back again.

Probably one of the quickest trips I've taken thus far. Arriving in Tunis on Thursday afternoon yet another three day adventure awaited me. Imagine walking into your hotel room and nearly falling over as you enter the doorway. We called it the "leaning hotel of Pisa", even though it was in Tunisia and the hotel was called The Bahy!~~I think I roughly estimated the slope at being over a foot and a half difference from doorway to window...at least the bathroom had hot water this time!
Strictly a World Cup event, different from a Grand Prix which has a Team event, Philippe and I traveled alone. With Algeria canceled next weekend it was a good way to try and gain some world cup points. Fencing wise, I'm definitely in a consistent mode right now and feeling about 80% smart. Finishing with yet another 47th place in the world I feel content, yes, but my best has yet to come. Thanks Sandra for all those grueling massages you put me through twice a week, my legs are feeling at least 4 years younger!
We ran into our old friend from SENEGAL named KEITA who hardly travels outside of his African continent. After seeing this picture I never thought that maybe I had a twin out there somewhere....except I need more of a tan!!!
The streets of Tunis were far from clean and calm but without a doubt interesting. Its habitants selling anything they could from blenders to underwear...no wonder I didn't find any shopping malls. Endless traffic with no street lights or signs and I could swear the Tunisians have an addiction with honking, it was just the thing to do.
The most populated spots are the Suks (which mean markets). Each Suk is devoted to one particular trade. The shops within the Suks are small cubes, open in the front, in which the trader squats cross-legged amidst his wares. Perfumes, carpets and cloths, saddlery and jewelry are most common. The Suks were formerly slave markets that surrounded the Mosques and now are more touristy than before.
Saturday afternoon at the Suks our guide brought us to the top of a carpet factory which looked over the city. An old mosaic archway stood erected as he explained that if we pass under this archway when we return home Allah will bless us with 15 wives. Of course I JUMPED at the opportunity (what guy wouldn't) and was the first to let fate have its way!!!
By end of this grand tour, our guide who helped take many of these lovely pictures for us....(Philippe, Pablo (from Spain) and his girl).....he was not leaving empty handed and requested we buy something from his brothers shop. With due respect we granted him and his God that wish.
Lucky to say the least. Still I am 'blessed' with the opportunity to do something I love which takes me to parts of the world I wouldn't normally visit. And STILL it makes me chuckle when I can post pictures for you of those timeless instances that I come across. This time in the Tunis airport at 345am....nope, the Duty Free Shop was closed, or should I say THE DUFRY SHOP.
Well, its Sunday afternoon and I'm home. Staring out the front window patiently waiting for my 15 wives to arrive....still, it doesn't matter how long I wait because I'd be happy enough with just one!
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